Sorry, we couldn't find any phone numbers

These are temporary puerto rican phone numbers or also called puerto rican numbers. This means that they are only available for a short period of time. Some puerto rican phone numbers last for several months, others only a few days.

Please do not use such a puerto rican number for important text messages such as passwords, private text messages to friends or for phone verification on websites. Anyone could take over your account by reading the text messages of these puerto rican phone numbers.

If you do not live in puerto rico and still want to use a particular site or web that only accepts puerto rican users, it is necessary to have a puerto rican phone number to verify your account.

Most websites that require phone number verification have a limit on how often you can use a phone number. In this case it can happen that some of our puerto rican phone numbers are blocked. But this is not a big problem. Just use one of our other puerto rican phone numbers.